Samuels Family

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More photos added 2020 under William Samuels


Samuels Family Videos

Click this link to see videos from the 1950s, 1980s (including the newly added video from William Samuels’s Bar Mitzvah Party 1982), and 1990s, as well as extensive interviews with Bernard Samuels (1995), Harry and Flora Samuels (2017), and Neysa Samuels (2018).


Samuels Family Tree (Chart)


Organized by family, as of 2023

Samuels Family Report


Detailed, by generation, as of 2023

Samuels Family Name

From Shmykis to Samuels

Samuels Family Geography

Annopol, Ukraine

William Samuels Tape Recordings
(1960 and 1965 interviews
Text and mp3 files)

Samuels Family Documents

Lots added 10/2016


Petchenik/Sandberg Family Connection


(Frumerman)/Kafri Memoirs

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