Samuels Family Photos

First Generation

Isaac Shmykis

Second Generation

David Shmykis (about 1870s-1907)
 Ida Pichenick

Children: Breindel, Pearl, Morris, Samuel, William,
Ann, Leah, Herschel

Third Generation


Rebecca (Breindel) Samuels (1873-1926)
Birel Garfinkel

Children: Irving, Sylvia, Belle, William, and Joseph Garfinkel

Go to Breindel Garfinkel family photos

Go to Sylvia Garfinkel Malkind Family photos

Go to Belle Garfinkel Krupnik photos


Pearl Samuels (1885-1956)
 David Garfinkle


Children: Bertha and Morris Garfinkle

Go to Pearl Garfinkle family photos


Morris Samuels (1885-1940)
Fannie Shaltupsky (1892-1973)

Children: Dorothy, Rose,
and Harry Samuels


Go to Morris Samuels photos


Go to Harry Samuels photos






Samuel Samuels (1887-1939)
Mary Goldberg (1891-1961)

Children: Gertrude, Ruth, Daniel, Herman, Irwin, Bernard F.

Mary Goldberg Samuels with Grand-daughter Marsha


Go to Samuel Samuels Family Photos



William Samuels (1894-1966)
Fannie Sorkin (1894-1984)

Children: Bernice, Bernard, Selma, David, and Alvin

Go to William and Fannie Samuels Family


Ann Samuels (1894-mid 1900s)

(This was a locket owned by William Samuels.

We believe the picture was of his twin sister.

And we believe she may have been named Ann.)


Click on the picture to see the full locket.


Leah Samuels
Moshe Frumerman

Children: Sholom Frumerman, Arya (Frumerman) Kafri,
and David (Frumerman) Kafri

Go to Kafri Families


Herschel Samuels

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